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mizz ghah
i am 24 years old girl whom very much love bout myself, my family and really appreciate all the moments of my life..n0t worry bout t0morrow..s0meone who likes the freed0m,beauty and education..Alhamdulillah, i graduated as a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering with Honours.if i have extended life and if there's a chance, i want to continue my study at a higher level..Insyallah..sumtimes im a emotional pers0n..ermmm...whats0ever..owh well..this is my life, When Heart's Say is my blog..;-)
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Tuesday, February 02, 2010


ari ni hari malang bg aku..aku telah disaman oleh seorg pakguard..huahhuahhuah..padan muka aku...aku telah menjadi sedikit nyanyuk 2,3 arini...semalam terlupe fail lam raga mto..kali ni kunci motor terus aku tglkan..kikiki..x ke lawak..abes lau org larikan moto kesayanganku tu camne?xley aku nk wili wekang gtu,,aiyak..after clas td..aku g mkn kire cam bekpes r..& then balek tito zZZZzzz kerana very2 tired dong!pastu nk g kelas kul 2 lak aku tercari2 mane kunci moto aku..dh la lewat..aishhhh menyelongkar sume yg tarak jumpe..sedih wooo...pastu tgh lg mencari bwh katil.lam laci..lam kasut..lam toilet sume aku geledah tp x jumpe.mane ko sembunyikan diri wahai sejambak kunci?perggghh tension wei dr ader mud nk g clas terus jdk xde mud..dh berkire2 cam nk memonteng r..hikhik.pastu enchek sony ku'ah suruh turun ader notis untuk ak..ches!rupenye pakguard yg amek kunci moto aku..demn!kompem2 kene saman ni..mati la aku.dh la kunci kene p amek kt pondok pengawal..pastu ng muke dua posen terpaksa la menumpang pa'ah g kelas.after dat g la menuntut kunci motosikal kesayanganku kt pondok guard tu..ceh wt2 baek sket ng pakguard ng harapan xkan kene hancur luluh hatiku..nah!amek ko surat saman..hehe..tenkiu pakguardku di atas kekejamanmu...hek eleh..setakat kunci mto je xley berlagak.nasibbek ader pakguard yg baek hati tlg simpankan kunci moto ku lau x ntah lahanat mane curi nanti..kikiki...tenkiu so much pokguard..nasib bek saman rm10 hingget jer...selamat:-)
surat saman rm10 hingget..wink2
tp kekecewaanku terubat apabila brg2 shopping online ku dh sampei arini..yippi bestnye..hiphiphooray...menuntut barang2 kt pejabat pendaftar after kelas td..nasib bek dua2 dh aku ulang alik byk kali g opis tu..pastu g makan mi sup..dengan gelojoh buke sampul tu...x sabar wei..sgt x sabar..teruja nk tgk..takut gak mane tau br yg aku beli online tu xsama ng aper yg dishowkan...perghhhh cantek..1st aku bukak jam..sgt cantek..memang menepati ape yg aku nak!!  taraa...jam bertali besi..mekanikl nye siap nampak2 jarum berputar2 kt belakang..ader diamond sket & ade love2 gtu..memg ader ciri2 cam jam yg aku dh ader..lawa weiiii..kikiki...dibawa khas dr edition nyer..yippi dpt gak kt xley pakai lg coz kene p anta kedai nk potong tali..coz tgn i ni kecik & mungil gtu.hehe...2nd buke perfume..mak aihhhh balut mcm balut mayat..letih aku la..takot pecah..taraaaa....flora by gucci..urm...wangi..best2...x sabar nk all<3..x sia2 aku beli lam internet..xyah abeskan mase shopim kat luar...brand pon bgus..x tipu nyer..i loike..pasni nk beli byk2 lg juz goyang kaki dpn laptop jew pastu ley shopim byk2...lau asek kuar sopim nti kene membebel ng laki aku lak..

flora by baunyerrrr..waaa

ni 50ml nyer..

yippi..jam baru..i loike u 

jam yg gojes..muahhx!