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mizz ghah
i am 24 years old girl whom very much love bout myself, my family and really appreciate all the moments of my life..n0t worry bout t0morrow..s0meone who likes the freed0m,beauty and education..Alhamdulillah, i graduated as a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering with Honours.if i have extended life and if there's a chance, i want to continue my study at a higher level..Insyallah..sumtimes im a emotional pers0n..ermmm...whats0ever..owh well..this is my life, When Heart's Say is my blog..;-)
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

:: bila hati dan otak sama-sama beku :: tired.demn tired!..hati ku beku..otakku beku..argh sume nyer beku..beku sebeku beku bekunyer..arini test elektromagnet gunaan..nk kate full otak ni ng ilmu2 x jugak.nk kate bodoh sgt xtau pape pown x study la mane yg patot.lam kelas x bape nk phm tp ble da time test otomatik kene push kan diri untuk study..macmane sekalipown kene study gak.ble tgk kwn dh cair kt mulut jer rumus,mula la mls jugak nk study.hehe..semalam study sampai penat.xleh gak push diri kan tetibe bertukar jd separuh sewel,kesian mom aku kt kg,so study mane patot ..pastu mula jd penggubal soklan soklan mane yg kuar.itulah mentaliti as a ble da terlebey study otak pown jd beku.dh full sgt.!.pastu tetibe ader announcement lak ckp air di parit raja xde!.so kene standby air berbaldi2..bertong2..mane yg xde baldi sebuk kebas baldi sape2...aku?ader baldi kecik jer tp ade balang air mcm balang minyak cap buruh tu!argg pedulik haku..xleh mandi pon xpe..janji leh wt pe yg patot.ngeh2...perasaan own bertambah beku ble dh berbaldi2 spare air..ckp arini air xder dr kul balek2,bukak paip air..ader gak air..tipu betul la akak yg gatal buat announce tu.xpe la kot2 esok luse air xde..simpan je lew..hukhuk..class full..dr pg sampai ptg..ader lab lg..mlm ni kene wat lab report lg..ya rabbi..byk gle patient..kene bg spirit pd myself!....test td kul 6pm-7pm..only one hour..nk kate x sempat pown aku belasah je la jwb..credits to ayu & jijah..sebijik soklan kuar..x sia2 aku p kelas statistik td..duk sebelah jijah.tbe2 tertengok soklan past year yg dia nyer.pastu wat2 rajin tye soklan tu camne nk buat..last2 masa jwb test td sejibik sebijik kuar..nilai sama..oh my God..nasib otakku x bape nk beku ketika itu..igt2 lupe gak..bknnye igt sume..tgk sekilas pandang jer.xpe la drp aku bg kertas kosong tulis name jer!..pas berhempas pulas jwb test & berjaya menahan diri selama 1 jam..balik..kalut2..p kelas ganti digit lgi..haduh..xtau nk luah kt sape.penat..aku tau bkn aku sorg yg penut..sume yg senasib ng aku x mampu nk cuaca di johor ni panas luar biasa..x dapat nk concentrate pown lam kelas..mata yg ngantuk..bdn dh hampir rebah,..mata dh hampir gugur(bak kate miss jong tdik)..camne la dia bleh tau mata aku dh hampir nk gugur..kikiki..hahak..itu lakonan semata2 supaya dpt balik awal..x paham langsung dia ajr per..juz salin..dh nk wat camne otak da beku..hati pown beku..x sabar nk tdo setido-tidonyer..agar hatiku & otak ku kembali cair..maaf kak nurul..wetim for tomorow monim untuk siapkan report lab..sgt tidak larat..kang x pasal2 lect suh wt report aku g hentam lukis org lidi lam kertas tu..nk tdo..nk tdo..nk tdo..x sabar nk buat terjunan bebas gaya kuak kupu2 di atas katil..huhu...
tgh blur tym test..huhuk ;-(