:: br nk post..hehe...sowi cayang..memandangkan ini belog togetha ng yayam ucuk love daling i ni..so kene post gak pape yg menarik ni..xkan nk post ng kenkawan jew..nti terase la bebyboy i ni..muahX..shayam ye lew..ari tuh kan najmie balik tym coti krismas..kebetulan arituh gak aku nk balek batu pahat..hukhuk..sedey~shangat sedey i tell u dalim..lam ati Tuhan je tahu..rindu sama u lalim..tp xpe..ptg tu afte solat kuar lepas2 rindu chupc hupchupmuahxmuahx sama bebyboy..hehe..& mlm tuh bebyboy anta nek bus..yippi!!hiphiphooray...tp suprise..da napok dr jaoh tergedek2 jalan sambel senyum & membimbit paperbag..aduh..syahdunye sayangku..ape lg ni?taraaaaa..
'nah sayang...pemberian ekhlas dr abg..'
'oo my God..ape ni?thanks abg..i lap u lebey extra lg' hikhik..(senyum kambeng gtuh)
naek bus lam kul doblas..bus delay 1 jam..bodoh bapak ko bus..sebut jew bus cepat..tp lembab lambat nk mampos..tp xpe..ley lame2 ng bebyboy ku..x puas menatap wajahmu yg endah..auwww..bus sampei..terus jd sebak..meninggalkan orang tesayam...bye2 sayangku..sambel nanges lam ati je..lam ati jew tau!!...& lam bus ku bukak paperbag tgk pe yg dia bg..wah syahdu sungguh..sepasang bju kurung merah..sebentuk hati..sekeping kad..tenkiu shayam..nk sgt dia tgk ku pakai bju kurung hari 1st masuk sem..akan kupakai nti g kelas nti okeh..dun wori shayamku..everthing yg abg bagi B tetp pakai wlau abg x nampak..ececeh..syahdu menusuk kalbu la pulop...
isi hati kad :tp ni yg da tertulis lam kad oredi..but yg bebyboyku tulis x dapat nk tunjuk okeh..secrett..hehe
to the one i love..
they may have been
silver stars before
there may have been
skies of blue
but the stars and the
skies have been
blended now in the
wonderful heart of you..
it is hard to believe that
the sun would shine
that roses would bloom the same
if your pathway and mine
had never crossed...
if i had never heard your name
and so i am grateful for
the star and the flowers
and dreams that have all come true
but i treasure most
the love i've known
because,Darling, of you..
wah..terusik jiwa..menusuk kalbu..saket jantung jap..sangat romantika..i love u so much najmie..love so strong...!!!