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mizz ghah
i am 24 years old girl whom very much love bout myself, my family and really appreciate all the moments of my life..n0t worry bout t0morrow..s0meone who likes the freed0m,beauty and education..Alhamdulillah, i graduated as a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering with Honours.if i have extended life and if there's a chance, i want to continue my study at a higher level..Insyallah..sumtimes im a emotional pers0n..ermmm...whats0ever..owh well..this is my life, When Heart's Say is my blog..;-)
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Friday, July 17, 2009


  • vALEriE~LAbLab
LAbLab? who's dat?
ape tu?
Xtau? VAleRie plaK sapEr ntah?


miZZ vaLEriE~my niCk..
LAbLAb~my beBy boy..
katoon Nath papE..buT sedikit comEl..
kEychain ni Wat tym Ader punyer pk nAme ni gak ter'buAt'...
murAh jew..rm 3 jer satu kEychain tu..
ak bg Kat beby boy 1 yg Lablab tuh..
suh diEr gantunG kt konCi motor..
hopE b4 stAt moto tuh..tgk kEychain nih igt la kt beby giRl kt cniE ek..
i lovE u so strong mwahX!